Oldfield Volunteer Corps

The residents at Oldfield are bound by more than proximity. They are blessed with a variety of talent. They share a sense of community. They are united by a volunteer spirit. That is evident in the passion, pride, and growth of the Oldfield Volunteer Corps (OVC), a volunteer group dedicated to the betterment of the community we call home.

It started simply. A single day, in fact. And then it blossomed into so much more.

What would eventually become the OVC, began as a single Volunteer Day in 2019. It was a way to bring together a number of Oldfield community members to utilize their skills and talents for service projects in and around Oldfield. The projects included building a chicken coop at the Equestrian Center, painting a meditation room in the Sports Center, assisting with the expansion of the Community Garden, and more. Projects that focused on the betterment of neighbors as well as our physical and natural environment.

When the day was over, the 50 residents who took part wanted more. It turns out the residents of Oldfield have many skills and talents that often match up with the needs of our community. And the volunteers realized that helping out with even the smallest tasks made a real difference within the community and helped them deepen their connection with Oldfield. For there is a bond that is felt with your neighbor when you roll up your sleeves and work side-by-side for the betterment of the community that will never weaken.

Since that first day, the OVC’s projects have become more sophisticated, our numbers have swelled, and our community has grown closer, better, and more content. If you’d like to join in the fun, we can always use a helping hand.