What have you been doing to be sustainable? We want to know! Feel free to send me an email (Lmcmillan@oldfieldsc.com) and let me know what you and your family have been doing to be more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
  Change all of your light bulbs to LED Take a moment today to make sure your home is using all LED light bulbs. LEDs typically use about 75% less energy than traditional incandescents and can last at least 35 times longer. Switch to reusable water bottles Despite recent images of oceans brimming with plastics and marine life washed ashore, Americans still use an average of 50 billion plastic water bottles a year. And while recycling has become part of a modern lifestyle, an unsettling fact remains: 91% of plastic is not recycled. Switching to reusable water bottles is an easy way to eliminate your use of plastics. Shop at your local farmers market Farmers markets are popping up everywhere and for good reason. Shopping local also supports community growers and small business economies. Make sure you bring a reusable bag! Some local Farmers Markers are the Port Royal Farmers Market on Saturdays 9am-Noon; The Bluffton Farmer’s Market on Thursdays from 12-5pm; Coastal Discovery Museum Farmer’s Market (HHI) on Tuesdays from 9am-1pm. Deny all plastic bags! Plastic is old news! Stock up on reusable bags and conveniently place them in your car, in your purse, at work, and at home. You’ll never have an excuse to use another plastic bag in 2021. Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, I use them for dog poop bags”? Well, we even recommend using biodegradable to go poop bags. Purchase sustainable toothbrushes and ear swabs Plastic toothbrushes take over 400 years to decompose. That’s why bamboo toothbrushes are the perfect alter- native: They are 100% biodegradable and antimicrobial–which means they don’t harbor nasty bacteria. Every year millions of swabs end up in the ocean, which is disastrous for our planet’s future. If you are concerned about our planet, then it’s the right time to throw away all your single-use items and get your reusable alternatives like reusable swabs. You can use these eco-friendly swabs over 1000 times and after every usage, you can wash them with soap and water. Or, at least purchase swabs made from natural materials like bamboo. Switch from paper towels to reusable rags One of the easiest ways to be more sustainable in 2021 is to replace paper towels with recycled cloths. Just as plastic chokes waterways, unrecyclable paper produces unnecessary waste in landfills. In a pinch, it’s easy to grab a paper towel to clean up a spill. But think about the number of paper towels discarded each year, with every household on the planet. According to the Paperless Project, it’s 254 million tons. Besides, reusable cloths can do the job faster, by soaking up more liquid with less material and waste. Plant native plants When deciding what you can do to save the ecosystems in your area, the answer is simple: Grow native plants! Supporting local wildlife is the key to regenerating our ecosystems. Look into the native wildflowers, trees, shrubs, and vines suitable to your environment, to create a habitat in your own home or office. Visit Clemson Extension’s plant database website for great information on what native plants thrive in the Lowcountry. https://www.clemson.edu/extension/carolinayards/plant-database/index.html