Labor Day Scramble Winners!

Labor Day Scramble Winners!

It was a rainy Labor Day, but that didn’t stop our golfers from hitting the links and playing in the Labor Day Scramble. Congratulations to Jerry and Sue Bowman in the couples division with a 64. And a Congratulations goes to Garry Perkins and Jeff Wong who tied...
Golf Course Update

Golf Course Update

The month of September is upon us once again. This means that the hot summer months will be soon behind us and some much needed cooler temperatures are on their way. Although we have had a very hot and somewhat wet summer, the course is doing very well. It always...
Winged Visitors

Winged Visitors

Spotted some winged visitors on 18. One of the many nature sightings you can experience at Oldfield. ‪#‎oldfield1732‬ ‪#‎naturelovers‬...
Men’s Day Winners for August 26!

Men’s Day Winners for August 26!

Joe Dastoli was +9 on his quota to be the Dodge Winner and the Men’s Day winners, Tim Stewart, Bob Champigny and Bill Grant won with a +11 team quota. Congratulations on a well played round gentleman!...
Great match Oldfield JR Golfers!

Great match Oldfield JR Golfers!

Our Jr PGA Players were at it again playing at Oldfield Thursday, July 9 where they won their match against Indigo Run. It’s always great to see the younger golfers out on the course!...