Nina Gibbs, Sports Director I have always loved going to school. I loved it so much that I went to school from 4 years old until I was 27! I still get excited about doing Con- tinuing Education Credits. I love getting a new notebook and pens. The smell of books, old and used, the sound of the pages turning and the secrets hiding behind the brown paper bag covered binds decorated with drawings of flowers and some boys last name you had a crush on all summer. My red plaid Jansport backpack. Man, I loved that backpack. I miss the excitement of meeting new teachers and classmates. I especially miss starting a new season with new teammates that you get to share a locker room with and sweat and suffer together. Now my season of beginnings is New Years and the possibilities of starting fresh again with a new journal and new goals. I am so excited for all of our children and young adults here at Oldfield to be going back to school, even if it is online or with a mask. I know these times can seem difficult because they come with new challenges and are different. Take this opportunity to sit down and discuss your feelings about this new season and see in what ways you can still make it exciting for you and your family this school season. Please know that we are all in this together so, if there is anything we can do here at the Sports Club to help just let us know. Here at Oldfield we are family!