Moving into February, we will continue Needle-tining greens during Monday closures to allow for increased air movement to the roots. We will also perform bunker au- dits. This process of spreading bunker sand helps create a surface while bringing uniformity to the course. We will take soil samples to find out the nutrient status, physical properties, and chemical makeup of the soil. This information will help determine our course of action for an effective and efficient agronomy plan. In late February to early March, Crabgrass begins germinating. Crabgrass is an an- nual invasive weed that grows on tees, fairways, and rough. To combat this growth, we will be applying a pre-emergent herbicide. The key to effectively applying a pre-emergent is timing. We also will be sampling different types of turf pigments to apply to the fairways. Turf pigment increases the surface temperature of the grass, which assists in plant growth. It will also add definition to the fairways in these winter months; we will try this on back driving range tee and target greens. Also new, is the hole location sheets we made for the course. This allows the golfer to know exactly where the hole is located on every Green. We will work each and every day to ensure that the course is in pristine condition for our members. Help keep Oldfield’s course beautiful by fixing your ball marks and filling your divots. We look forward to seeing you out there!