colorviverunWhat better way to get in exercise then to disguise it as fun? And that’s exactly what I did along with two pals one Saturday morning. The weather was perfect for my first 5k.  I’m sure you’re thinking, “But you are the fitness person – a 5k shouldn’t be anything to you!” And how wrong you would be. I was a sprinter with my longest run being 400 meters (it was really the 440 yard dash but I digress). I had to teach myself what a “pace” was.  Knowing I had promised my friends that I was going to run 3.1 miles, I had to find someway to make it fun. Well, the Savannah ColorVibe run was just the ticket. We drove to Hutchinson Island where a gazillion (not kidding) other crazy people were gathering. Costumes, tutus, tights… and that was just the guys. Moms, dads, kids and even some dogs were laughing and writhing with anticipation. Holding packets of pink, yellow, blue and purple dye, we all ripped open the bags and threw the dye into our hair and onto our clothes. 3…2…1. We were off! We wove our way through a well-mapped out course that included Dye Stations where volunteers shot more powdered dye at us. Now we were a sight and it helped to take our minds off the fact that we were actually up at 7 a.m. on a beautiful Saturday morning running 3.1 miles. We finished the run with not one inch of skin not covered in colors. I did it. I had run my first 5k and I didn’t really notice that I was doing it. I had a blast. So if you have a goal that you want to set, match it to something fun and I promise you – it makes it so much easier! – Mona Ward Sports Club Director