Remember when you were a kid and jumping rope was a major part of your recess?
We never thought about how much exercise we were getting or how great jump rope was. Well, it’s time to rediscover the benefits of jumping rope. Jumping rope improves balance, works your core and while working your cardio you are working your arms and your legs.

If you’re a newcomer choose a rope that’s a little heavier in weight. This will allow you to jump at a slower pace until you’re ready to move up. If you get a rope that allows you to add weights to the handles that is a good option but you may want to remove the weights until you’re more comfortable.

Jump softly off the balls of your feet, keeping the knees bent to absorb the impact and try not to bounce in between your jumps.

Experiment with your jumps; some people like a single leg, or try the double leg jump or even alternate. And don’t get frustrated. If you miss jump, drop the handles and continue the action as if you still had the handles in your hands. Aim for one minute with a rest of one minute. I recommend 1 minute on, 1 minute off, 3 times each. Build up your routine until you can jump for 3 minutes without stopping. You’ll burn approximately 125-140 calories in 10 minutes of jumping. When you’re ready, add the weights to your handles for an extra workout.

teresa jump rope